
Problematic Play Festival
August 2018
Reading of Phosphorescence at Z Space in San Francisco as a part of the Problematic Play Festival
The Hurricane developed at Boston Court
February 2018
A Staged Reading of an excerpt from my new musical THE HURRICANE at Boston Court Theatre.
Reading at the Road
August 2017
Reading of The End of Beauty as part of the Road Theatre’s Summer Playwrights Festival.
Golden at Chalk Rep
June 2017
Reading of GOLDEN at Atwater Village Theatre, a new play with songs composed by Carla Patullo.
Dionysian Issue 003
May 2017
This Quintessence of Dust is in the Dionysian Issue 003. The book release party is at the Drama Book Shop on June 1st.
April 2016
Interview on the Subtext podcast where I discuss Apocalypse Play and my new play about architects in Los Angeles Uncovered Cities.
Uncovered Cities
April 2017
Uncovered Cities had a staged reading in the Humanitas Play LA Festival. It was directed by Jonathan Westerberg and produced by Circle X.
Apocalypse Play
April 2017
Apocalypse Play is up and running at Atwater Village Theatre through 4/15. The Show is Ovation Recommended and in Stage Raw’s Top Ten. Read the LA Times review here.
Premiere at Moving Arts
February 2017
Apocalypse Play will have its premiere at the Atwater Village Theatre, produced by Moving Arts. Read the announcement on
Humanitas Play LA Prize
February 2017
One of the winners of this year’s Play LA Prize with the Humanitas Foundation. Read the announcement in Deadline.
Nautilus Composer Librettist Studio
December 2016
One of five writers collaborating with composers and singers at The Theatre @ Boston Court, December 3-19.
Golden at Actors Theatre
December 2016
Golden, commissioned by Actors Theatre of Louisville, will have four performances on December 5th and 6th. Show info here.
Flash Fest
October 2016
Chalk Rep’s site-specific Flash Fest, short plays staged in St. John’s Cathedral. My play runs October 13, 14, 15 at 7pm, directed by Hector Rodriguez.
Reading at Bare Bones Theatre
September 2016
Reading of All the Good in the World at Bare Bones Theatre, directed by Lojo Simon.
Moving Arts Madlab
September 2016
Apocalypse Play will have a reading with Moving Arts, September 17th at 3pm, directed by Darin Anthony.
William Inge Center for the Arts
July 2016
Teaching at the William Inge Center for the Arts as part of the Kennedy Center VSA Playwright Discovery program, July 11-21.
Reading at The Road
July 2016
Reading of When We Could in the Road Theatre’s Summer Playwrights Festival, August 6th, 2pm.
Reading at the Lark
July 2016
Roundtable reading of All The Good in the World at The Lark, directed by Shelley Butler.
O’Neill Playwrights Conference
April 2016
All The Good in the World is a finalist for the O’Neill Playwrights Conference.
That High Lonesome Sound Published
April 2016
That High Lonesome Sound published in the collection Humana Festival 2015: The Complete Plays.
Tens at Humana
April 2016
This Quintessence of Dust has two performances at the Humana Festival, April 9-10, directed by Les Waters. Here’s a write-up on The Tens.
Workhaus Collective
March 2016
The playwright-driven theatre company I co-ran from 2007 to 2012 comes to an end. Article in American Theater Magazine.
Moving Arts
March 2016
I have a new play in development with the Moving Arts MadLab.
Heideman Award
February 2016
Winner of the 2015 Heideman Award for This Quintessence of Dust.
THE TENS at Actors Theatre
January 2016
This Quintessence of Dust will be produced at Actors Theatre of Louisville as a part of an evening of shorts, THE TENS.
Plays for Three
December 2015
This Quintessence of Dust is a part of the anthology Plays for Three, edited by Eric Lane and Nina Shengold.
October 2015
Clandestino (co-written with Victoria Stewart; co-created with the Wilhelm Bros.) will be one of three projects in the Sundance Theater Lab at Mass Moca.
Humana Festival
April 2015
That High Lonesome Sound had a successful run at Actors Theatre of Louisville’s Humana Festival. Here’s a gallery of production photos.
Rehearsing Failure Opens
January 2015
Up and Running at the Southern. Check out preview pieces on MinnPost and City Pages. Read the Rave Review on TCDailyPlanet. Tickets via The Southern.
Rehearsing Failure in American Theatre Magazine
January 2015
Rehearsing Failure is featured in this article about the Southern Theatre’s ARTShare program.
Humana Festival
November 2014
That High Lonesome Sound, co-written with Jeff Augustin, Charise Castro Smith, and Diane Grisanti, will be a part of the 2015 Humana Festival at Actors Theatre of Louisville.
Article in American Theatre
October 2014
An article in American Theatre magazine about playwright driven companies, featuring Workhaus Collective, a company I helped run from 2007-13.
August 2014
Check out this article I wrote on Mickey Birnbaum’s fantastic new play, Backyard.
SPACE on Ryder Farm
May 2014
Selected for a residency at SPACE on Ryder Farm.
Cape Cod Theatre Project
May 2014
The End of Beauty will be a part of this year’s Cape Cod Theatre Project, readings July 3-6.
Chloe, In Black and White
May 2014
I wrote a short play for an evening of plays, written by American and Romanian playwrights. All plays performed in Romania on May 13th.
Reading at the Playwrights Union
May 2014
My latest When We Could will have a reading on May 17th at 7pm as a part of the Playwrights Union’s First Peek Festival.
Amuse Bouche
April 2014
I wrote a short play for Pavement Group’s Amuse Bouche, playing April 14-16 in Chicago.
Reading at LA’s Bootleg Theater
April 2014
A Disaapearance in Two Parts will have a reading with The Fleet at Bootleg Theatre on April 21st.
Press for Michael X
March 2014
The Killing of Michael X is up and running. Here are nice reviews from NewCity and The Fourth Walsh and the production is Chicago Reader Recommended.
Michael X at Jackalope
March 2014
The Killing of Michael X is in previews and opens March 17th at the Broadway Armory Park, Jackalope’s new space.
March 2014
An excerpt from Clandestino was performed at the JCC Metrowest and also gets a mention in this article about new plays on Jewish subjects.
Finalist for the Blue Ink Award
February 2014
A Disappearance In Two Parts was a finalist for the Blue Ink Playwriting Award.
Guest Artist at MTSU
February 3-7 2014
I am teaching a one week playwriting workshop at Middle Tennessee State University.
Jewish Plays Project
January 2014
Clandestino (co-written with Victoria Stewart; co-created with Jeremy Wilhelm) is a finalist for the Jewish Plays Project in New York.
Semi-Finalist for Clubbed Thumb’s Biennial Commission
December 2013
Proposal for a new play Mud Bird was a semi-finalist for the 2013 Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission
Affiliated Writer at The Playwrights’ Center
November 2013
I am a part of the Playwrights’ Center’s new Affiliated Writer Program.
Playwrights Union
October 2013
I am one of the newest members of the Playwrights Union, a network of writers based in Los Angeles.
The Killing of Michael X in Chicago
August 2013
The Killing of Michael X will have its world premiere in March 2014 as a part of Jackalope Theatre‘s 6th season.
Rehearsing Failure on Minnesota Public Radio
June 20, 2013
Marianne Combs recommends Rehearsing Failure on MPR.
Here Arts Center
July 25-28
A Disappearance in Two Parts at Here Arts Center, directed by Pirronne Yousefsadah.
Rehearsing Failure at Red Eye
June 20-23, 2013
A new play about Brecht and his female collaborators, a part of the 4 Weeks New Work Festival at Red Eye Theater.
Great Plains Theatre Conference
May 2013
At the GPTC in Omaha to develop A Disappearance in Two Parts.
Chicago Avenue Project
May 2013
I wrote a short play, The Dragon Slayer of South Minneapolis, for Alonso. Performed by Alonso and Matt Guidry, directed by Jamil Jude.
The Pratfalls of Parenting
May 2013
Levi Weinhagen and I talk about parenting and playwriting on this great podcast.
Finalist for the O’Neill
May 2013
End of Beauty is a Finalist for the O’Neill Playwrights Conference.
“Rehearsing Failure” Fundraiser
April 2013
Help us realize this world premiere at Red Eye Theatre in June.
TKO at the Playwrights’ Center
May 2013
Participating in this fundraiser for the PWC on May 4th.
End of Beauty Reading
April 2013
Reading of End of Beauty at the Playwrights’ Center, April 18th at 2pm. Directed by Leah Cooper with actors Annie Enneking, Terry Hempleman, and Clarence Wethern.
Minneapolis One Minute Play Festival
February 2013
Two (very) short plays will be a part of the One Minute Play Festival at Mixed Blood Theatre, March 3rd, 4th, and 5th.
Staged Reading at Luna Stage
January 2013
A Disappearance in Two Parts, directed by Pirronne Yousefsadah, will receive a Staged Reading at Luna Stage
Isolated Acts Festival
January 2013
Rehearsing Failure, a collaboration with Lisa Channer and Annie Enneking, will be a part of Red Eye’s Summer New Works Festival.
Devised Theatre Class
December 2012
A performance of a work-in-progress, the culmination of a class at the U of M on “Writing for Devised Theatre,” plays December 4th and 5th at the Playwrights’ Center, 7:30pm.
Fellows Showcase at PlayLabs
October 20, 2012
An Excerpt from A Disappearance in Two Parts will be read at this year’s PlayLabs Festivalwith actors Pearce Bunting and Peter Hansen.
First Read of a New Play
September 24, 2012
Reading of The End of Beauty at the Playwrights’ Center with actors Pearce Bunting, Annie Enneking, and Per Janson
Staged Reading of A Disappearance in Two Parts
December 2011
Staged Reading of A Disappearance in Two Parts at the Playwright’s Center.
Recipient of a Network of Ensemble Theaters Grant
January 2012
Recipient of a Network of Ensemble Theaters Grant to collaborate on a new show with director Lisa Channer and composer Annie Enneking.
Finalist for the O’Neill Conference
April 2012
A Disappearance in Two Parts is a Finalist for the O’Neill Conference
2012-13 McKnight Advancement Grant
May 2012
Recipient of a 2012-13 McKnight Advancement Grant at the Playwrights’ Center.
The War Within
May 10 – June 10, 2012
The War Within (co-created with Dominique Serrand, Steven Epp, and Nathan Keepers) runs at the Southern Theatre.
June 14 – 23, 2012
Clandestino (co-written with Victoria Stewart and directed by Jeremy Wilhelm) runs at Mixed Blood Theater
Residence at the Tofte Lake Center
August 30 – Sept 2, 2012
In residence at the Tofte Lake Center to work on Brecht’s Brain with director Lisa Channer and composer Annie Enneking.