Fissures (lost and found)
This collaboratively written piece is a playful and probing exploration of the landscape of memory: the fanciful, mysterious territories between recollection and imagination, loss and rediscovery. Co-created with Steve Epp, Dominic Orlando, Dominique Serrand, Deborah Stein and Victoria Stewart.
Commissioned by Actors Theatre of Louisville and The Playwrights’ Center, Minneapolis, MN. Premiered at the Humana Festival, 2010.
Published by Dramatic Publishing. Buy a copy here.
“A high-wire blend of disarmingly oblique dialogue … An elliptical batch of story fragments that lead to the same conclusion: the unreliability of memory, as well as its necessity in understanding our own narratives in a way that makes our continuing existence possible and coherent. Fissures was that heavy — yet light as well.”